Friday, July 5, 2013

Bitter Chocolate Mousse

Mousse, very famous french dessert, is a prepared food that incorporates air bubbles to give it a light and airy texture. It can range from light and fluffy to creamy and thick, depending on preparation techniques. Dessert mousses are typically made with whipped egg whites or whipped cream, and generally flavored with chocolate or puréed fruit. Here is the recipe of bitter chocolate mousse:

Chocolate Mousse recipe; mousse; mousse recipe
Bitter Chocolate Mousse

Bitter Chocolate Mousse
Origin: French 
Difficulty: Easy

-(Must) Bitter Chocolate (250 gr or equivalently 0.5 Ibs)
-(Must) Milk (150 gr or equivalently 0.3 Ibs)
-(Must) Sugar (150 gr or equivalently 0.3 Ibs)
-(Must) Gelatin powder (15 gr)
-(Must) Milk cream (150 gr or equivalently 0.3 Ibs)
-(Optional) 1 Orange and brown sugar

Beat the cream up for at 3 minutes by a mixer. Mix cream and cooled chocolate kindly by a spoon.     

Slice orange 1/2 cm thick and put onto a baking paper. Scatter some brown sugar onto orange and bake it for 1 hour in 125C. Put chocolate into a small pan, place the pan into hot water and melt the chocolate. In another pan boil sugar and milk. Add melted chocolates and gelatin. Mix and boil until gelatin melts. Remove the pan from stove and wait until it gets cold. 

Share the mixture to cups and decorate with baked orange. Keep it in refrigerator for at least 3 hours. Bon appetit!

Chocolate Mousse recipe; mousse; mousse recipe
Bitter Chocolate Mousse

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